Tuesday 3 January 2012

I am a Spark Person (?)

I am a Spark person.

I don't have a weight problem - and my life's already an adventure.  But a couple months ago, I joined a weight-loss/fitness website called sparkpeople.com, and I've really enjoyed it!  I've always been thin ('bony' is probably the more accurate term), but I'm getting older now *cough* and I know it's only a while before my metabolism can't handle the amazing food my husband cooks for me all the time and I start to pack on the pounds.  And I desperately need to be more active if I'm going into jewellery making full time for the next while, and my previous workout of walking up London escalators is no longer in swing!

So now, in the spirit of January and getting into shape yadda yadda, I thought I'd share this site with you all, and let you know that I'll be with you all, trying to lose the Christmas pounds like everyone else (and before you say I didn't gain any Christmas pounds, I definitly did!  I did a pre- and post- Christmas weigh in!)

The thing I like best about this site is that it has so many instructional videos, and a lot of workouts that you can do in your own home, in a small space, without any equipment.  And it gives you a fitness tracker, goal setting devices, calorie counter etc so you can feel motivated by using all the gadgets (well I do anyway!).  And it's cheesy, but for me it works, every day you get to spin a wheel and collect points towards trophies - I like that sort of motivation towards consistency!

So if you're looking for a way to start a new health regime this 2012, sparkpeople.com comes recommended!  Oh yeah, it's free too.

Off to do a 10 minute workout.


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